
samedi 17 octobre 2020

Let it go


Nothing deserves your overthinking and worries because the fact that you become too attached to someone or something you will surely be addicted by stress and thinking that’s why you need one most important thing to save yourself as well as your life from drifting in and this thing is to let it go. let it go means you are freeing yourself from the outside world and from all what can disturb your tranquility so that you can feel the real you without anything only your free self, on this you truly get comfortable and swift. Let go all what you are attached to with your deepest heart, please do not put a lot of expectations on whatever is whether relationships, money, job or anything that can easily hijack you from peacefulness and calm because all what is happening in life is temporary, people change easily so when being aware of this you will never be disappointed when people leave you as this is life nothing lasts forever. However, when you let go you will appreciate the real meaning of life and live it strongly without expectations and attachments, you will be aware about all what is happening around and these moments, feelings and even persons are temporary. we cannot change this we should be adapted to and live every moment as if it is the last one so that enjoy it deeply J.Buddha said “ never put your happiness in someone’s else pocket”.

jeudi 1 octobre 2020



Gratefulness, the most beneficial act that we can do in order to get all what we desire. As when being grateful means you are grateful and thankful for all what you have and basically what you don’t have and that exactly the important point because the fact that you are thankful even though you don’t own that specific things that you truly want, the law of attraction begins to work. Law of attraction is the law of universe and it does truly exist when a person is grateful so that he is a sort of giving that high level of positivity and automatically becomes a source of attraction of everything good in this world. Plus, gratefulness equal happiness when you are grateful you are genuinely happy because happy people don’t complain about what they don’t have, they work on their goals by all means and never let anything disturbing them. In other words, they are happy about what they have and in the same time working to get things they do like and that simply the fabulous method to attract and get what you have always wanted. It’s totally true that sometimes we get disappointed especially in moments of weakness but then we do realize the reality of things and how universe work as we are completely aware about that law and about Allah gifts when a person is thankful and grateful about his life in its different corners. Therefore, to be a grateful person you only have to change your mind and decide to be thankful so that changing your life to its best version.