
mercredi 30 décembre 2020

Bright Soul


Kindhearted, warmhearted or whatever name you want to use, is that pure person who definitely has no piece of evil inside of him. A person in which he is awfully soft and pure from anything that can easily turn him into someone cruel however he couldn’t be turned out as he is straight and believer of himself and precisely he is proud of his soul, a soul full of love, peace, generosity and hope. He is always trying to send as much positivity as he can to everyone he may face in his life for he believes that happiness is when making someone else happy. As human being we may suffer sometimes from anger, anxiety and stress however that pure person never lets those things control him or affect the person he is, therefore whatever happens in the outside world doesn’t affect as long as he didn’t give permission because all what it can touches or hurt the human being it can only through his own permission however few people can achieve that point of awareness as it needs time, lot of wisdom. In other words, that sort of persons can absolutely not be influenced by what happens in the outside world only if they do permit that to happen as they have their own beliefs, thoughts, feelings and thinking in which neither circumstances nor persons can affect them by any means so that the person who is truly pure from the inside can never be turned into someone else, someone bad. He may surely learn through his experiences in order to be wiser and quitter not cruel, that’s what does really mean a pure and kindhearted person. All in all, be always that person who is always kind, soft, lovely and most importantly shine with his brightness of love, forgiveness and peace.

vendredi 25 décembre 2020

the Magic of Awareness


To be aware means you achieved a step where you can go through a lot of things that they typically annoyed you in the past but now things turn out and you become that person who is both wise and calm. Awareness is the most amazing step in a person’s life that can definitely change his life to the best as it let him live in such a peaceful world full of forgiveness and maturity that he doesn’t give his precious attention and energies to little things found in many corners of his life whether are concerned with his relationships, job, or materials things. For instance, when someone hurts you, instead of reacting aggressively you only try to put yourself in his shoes and understand why he has done this that you react wisely with the situation, totally far from worry, stress and hate. That the core of maturity, the understanding and calmness. Maturity is not about age, it is about how much experiences you have gone through and how many lessons you have caught from them that they growing you up and take you to the level of awareness and maturity, so that experiences are certainly essential in every one’s path because they are the real teacher that gives you the core lessons that follow you your whole life and push you to the best version of you. Therefore, there is not bad or good experience for they are all considered the teacher that gives something in return you completely need to grow up strongly, never be afraid of facing situation in your life because they are the basic of the person you are going to be, the strong person ever. Push yourself, avoid fear and go ahead and become that wise, aware and mature person.

samedi 12 décembre 2020

Pure Heart


Heart is the engine of our soul that’s why having soft and pure heart is the way to be a delightful person in every side of your life, if you have a pure heart regardless all what can hurt you, it means that you are literally a great person. Life is a sort of road where you can face struggles and difficulties but by owning a heart without any kind of malice, pangs of jealousy and the love of hurting others intentionally is a huge thing that can save you from anything bad because automatically when you own a heart like this you surely have bright soul and that lead in having an easy life as when you get rid of all that bad qualities you just do good and that will come back to you. When you don’t hate persons you will be in love with yourself and be loved by others which means having a life full of love and happiness without carrying about what others say about you or what they do , you will always have peace inside your inner world , each time you decide to ignore jealousy and malice you turn into a wise person empty of negativity and that could build you the life every one dreamed of , a life without hate , revenge or hurt as the events around us are the results of our thoughts , they reflect our mind so the more you are a peaceful person the more your life get calm and comfortable . It’s true that you may have problems and struggles came from relationships or from whatever they come, the most important thing is how can you deal with situation. if you chose to face it angrily and strongly you will get the same thing you have done as we know every action has a reaction, it is just a matter of reflection you do good you get good and the contrary. However, when you deal with it with wisdom and calm you will get the same results, solving the problem with a minimum of damage and more stability. All this can happen only if the person has a good heart which is the source of what can happen as it is the leader of feelings, emotions and mindset.

mercredi 2 décembre 2020



Memories, the best place when you go whenever you feel alone, worried or even happy. In other words, it is the place where it can hug you softly in all your moods, hopefully memories exist so that only by staying fix in our places we can easily travel through time and live again what we have already lived, if you are stressed you can fly to those magnificent moments and drift strongly into them again with all your emotions. Every single one of us has already experienced this and feel once more time those agreeable and unforgettable moments, we have memories with friends, family members, or even some special persons that enter in our life and make us the happiest person on earth so that thanks to all those things we can definitely travel and forget all what may stress us in the present moment. Sometimes the good memories can turn into bad ones when those people leave our life and take with them those memorable moments, however and hopefully they cannot take what they let us feel that moment, therefore our memories are always safe and no one can hijack them from us. In some moments we only want not only travelling to our memories but staying there as if there is no present moments we don’t want to return back .That is , all what is happening with us whether events or persons , each of them let its own touch and impact on us that we will never forget especially what do they let us feel because feelings is the precious thing that is within us endlessly so that we are always grateful for what happened with us and still happens as it is a sort of an impact that it will certainly change us in one way or another for discovering the  best version of us.