
mardi 23 février 2021



 Responsibility, a heavy word with deep meaning as when someone who truly calls himself responsible means that he awfully has all the characteristics of it. To be responsible means to do all your best and never expecting something back because everything comes as long as you truly feel this word on you”. In other words, when taking firmly responsibility, all the rest will come back to you as a reward without getting attached to or expecting a lot. When a person is responsible he can be that one who people count on him in all corners of life as those specific persons are attractive , charismatics and are literally powerful for their only goals is to be loyal to what was given to them to do or even there’s another category of persons who were born with that sense of responsibility , they take it by their own and they didn’t wait anything from anyone so that they are completely responsible about their acts , their jobs , the works were ordered to do. That is to say, they have that sense of commitment and they never feel comfortable when there’s a lack of accomplishment in their life. Therefore, just be responsible about what you are doing and what you have done so that feeling your freedom and strength inside of you each moment you truly take whatever sort of responsibility needed to be taken.

mercredi 10 février 2021

Make your Impact

 Human being does really want to prove himself in whatever he is able or specialized to however sometimes he may face some difficulties that they push him to give up on thing he truly wants. However, what does works here is to have enough awareness and courage to push him out of his comfort zone and begin working on things he desires as the time when our life works is the time when we jump out our comfort zone and starting chasing our goals. Courage comes from our thoughts so that when knowing exactly what is going on our brain and managing those thoughts carefully we will certainly have that sort of courage we need to create our dreams, goals and desires because those thoughts affect the actions we take during our life. In other words, when we control our thoughts and try to switch them always to positive ones and decide to follow specific beliefs, that time we get our courage to make the push so that going forwards those goals. We need to make our impact, we are real and we do exist for reasons, and the core reason we all go towards is to serve others. That is , to build life full of benefits and help whether to ourselves , our country , our society or towards anything that we could benefit .Some people are struggling with their negative thoughts that can definitely stop them from progressing in their life and the only solution in this case is to switch their thinking and trying to replace it with positive one so that becoming a hopeful , grateful and happy person that will always attract positive events and persons into his life. As a results, taking courageous steps and go forward  what a person has always dreamed about.