
mercredi 25 novembre 2020

Summary of The Book : Who Moved My Cheese by DR SPENCER JOHNSON


Who moved my cheese is a tittle corresponding to a well-known book written by Spencer Johnson. It concerns a crucial area in our life that one day or another we may face however when knowing perfectly the principles included on that book we will certainly be going safely through whatever situation that can face us, therefore the main concept of the book is change. A change in which it could happen during our life at any time as we are not guaranteed to be fixed on that specific position during our whole path so that when being aware about the change and that we should move with it and definitely not staying in our places complaining and waiting for the unknown and waiting for magic to make up things, that will be the push to something bigger and greater. The book talked about 4 characters, two mice and two men entering a mysterious place full of corners and rooms, so one day these 4 decided to go looking for a cheese in this place, they started their journey everyday waking up at specific time going for a run and trying to find where the cheese is, that situation has been repeated for a period until the day they found what they desired the cheese. the two mice and the men were extremely excited and delighted when finding what they’ve been looking. The two men came every day and eat from that cheese however the two mice continue their rhyme and went every day to run and look for another place of cheese. One day as usual cam the two men and all of a sudden the cheese was not there, it’s over they were under shock when seeing the place empty whereas the two mice didn’t get surprised about what happened because they knew that this day will arrive as they were always eating from it that’s why they went to look for another place of cheese, the two mice wear their running clothes and went directly for their new journey, no waiting, no complaining and no stressing. The two men stuck in their places searching for a logical answer about what has happened to the cheese, why it has disappeared and this shouldn’t happen because is their own cheese and they search for it for a long time so it must be there, they stayed in this situation for period of time everyday same questions and same complaining. At the time where this two were doing this, the two mice are running and looking for their cheese, they were ready for this and they are adapted to their situation and they were totally aware about this place as they have never stopped from running on it. One day , one of the men decided to move as he knew that nothing would happen if he stay stuck on his place with doing nothing , that’s life and change is what need to happen so that it’s time to move on with change and go for searching cheese even if inside of him there is fear from the unknown about he will face , about struggles he may face and specifically that he didn’t know anything about the place however he get that when facing fear is that time when feel our freedom , he wrote this on the room’s wall , he tried to convince his friend to move on with but the one other didn’t want he always wanted to wait . The courageous men started to move on he get out the room and walk toward the mysterious place running after new cheese, a cheese that would be a new beginning for him. He was running and feel that fear inside of him however he didn’t give up just keep on, he walked in his way and stopping time to time writing on walls what he learned from his decision, for instance he wrote that “when you believe that you are able to find new cheese and get enjoyed of it, that time your way changes”, or “enjoy adventure’s taste”, “move on with cheese”. The two mice finally found their desired cheese, it was as big as we can’t imagine it was like a mountain of cheese, so that’s their gift was given from their courage and their awareness of living with change without complaining or asking unbeneficial questions that leads to nothing in the other hand, the courageous man still in his adventure enjoying every moment there and most importantly, feeling the new cheese is coming and it will certainly be bigger and greater than the old one. The moment came and the men ended up by finding his cheese, even if it was not as he imagined but he is satisfied to it and at the same time trying to find a better one and not sticking in one place, whereas the other man always staying at his place without doing anything just fear, fear from the unknown and overthinking about how and why did the cheese disappear. All in All, the one who moves with change, is always the winner when he beliefs he can do regardless of what will happen, fear and unknown because that’s when we truly enjoy the adventure and get what we desire.

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