
lundi 27 juillet 2020


Belief is what we all need to go forward as it can simply turn out ourselves as well as our life to their best version. Have the belief in yourself is as important as breathing in order to keep on in that life, so that belief means the confidence you own about yourself including your dreams, your capacities to achieve whatever is in your mind and let your dreams become true. Also confidence is loving your soul regardless of all its positive or negative qualities that doesn’t matter because loving ourselves means working on developing ourselves every single day without getting bored as improving it is our duty because soul is our precious diamond that needs a continuously care of it in all its corners so that our soul becomes always as bright as a diamond in which every body get jealous of how soft and brilliant it is. Taking care of that diamond means cleaning yourself from any negative energy that can cause you troubles, anxiety and stress and this could be achieved just by some most important and simple tips that I want you to apply them and let them be your routine. First, if you are surrounded by such negative people just get rid of them immediately without thinking about consequences as those people can affect your thoughts as a results making your life a hell because energy is contagious in which you catch these ones effortlessly just by being with these people and hanging out with them. Secondly, forget your past and don’t be anxious about what have happened there for being like this doesn’t change anything it just affects you painfully , so start thinking about your current moments and live them so that building your future through todays acts by planning for your goals and working on them hardly every day .Finally ,relax yourself and get some rest from the outside world just stay alone and focus in trying to forget your thoughts and everything is happing ,on this way you can charge yourself and get incredibly more positive energy. For a better life, be a better version of yourself and you will be surprised by the results.

samedi 25 juillet 2020

Looking for Happiness

We can totally not deny that every single of us is looking for happiness, he is never grateful for things he has he always compare himself to others and that’s the biggest mistake he can ever do as comparing our life to others is like killing everything good in our life indirectly. Just bear in mind that we are all beautiful and happy in some ways and if we are not happy inside with things we own we can never be happy when we own things we have always dreamed of because happiness is a matter of decisions and gratefulness we should be grateful for what we have in our life concerning family, job or whatever is since being happy is in everyone’s hand. Moreover, believing in ourselves and be confident that your goal would become true is the key for your happiness, forget about the past and live your present strongly by pushing yourself and working on your goals since taking acts is an important step to go forward and catching the chance every time it comes to you are the most powerful things than can turns out your life immediately after applying them.

lundi 20 juillet 2020

The Power of Trees

Breathing fresh air, walking in the wood and deeply feel the nature is the most powerful medicine has ever existed. Modern research has showed that trees play a crucial role in people wellbeing because they are considered as a miracle treatment for healing from stress, blood pressure and even cardiovascular diseases. They have beneficial effects in our life as trees has positive powers to heal us from negative energy as well as the diseases mentioned before, we all need to take care of them and get involved in nature by using our senses; smell the fresh air, concentrating on the nature itself, its trees, plants, rivers and skies.  All these make us feel better. Trees are truly beautiful as research by Oxford Brookes University shows that cardiovascular health benefits from exercise and fresh air, but woodland surroundings have a calming effect that assists recovery more than a gym (Psychologies, 2018). In other words, walking in the woods and be surrounded by is more effective and beneficial than have a gym exercises because it firmly helps us to be healthier and calm. Therefore, it’s high time we gave more attention to natures and trees for a better life.

dimanche 19 juillet 2020

Reading Books

Feeding our minds every day is the duty of every one of us, because we are the only responsible for ourselves as improving ourselves is a part of taking care of it. Feeding one’s mind means do the accurate things to take our thoughts as well as our mind to the next level. We can feed it by reading, meditating, and learning every single day something new that contributes to improving our level in any side we want to get improved. Reading books has a lot of benefits for our mind in addition to our wellbeing, as researchers said reading books allows us to extend imagination, acquire new vocabularies besides to get rid of stress as when we read we involve ourselves in between lines and forget about the outside world just focusing on the book and its story, this leads us to active the button of focus in which it is an essential element to relax. Moreover, many research has proven that people who read books especially fiction ones are more likely to understand others, this is due to the fact that they used to feel character’s emotions and feelings in that lead them to be more comprehensive to other’s facial expressions, emotions and thinking. “At the Princeton Social Neuroscience Lab, psychologist Diana Tamir has demonstrated that people who often read fiction have better social cognition. In other words, they’re more skilled at working out what other people are thinking and feeling. Using brain scans, she has found that while reading fiction, there is more activity in parts of the default mode network of the brain that are involved in simulating what other people are thinking”. (BBC FUTURE 2020). That is to say, persons who read fiction book can easily understand other. Reading books is a magical habit that helps us be in the mood and strengthen our brain.

jeudi 16 juillet 2020


Brain goes always to worrying about things that seem complicated for it is the easiest method to feel comfortable, however we should have control over our thoughts so that guide them to solutions instead of worrying and thinking negatively .That’s the perfect way to get rid of stress and anxiety and the best solution for doing this, is applying the 5 second rule by Mel Robinson by pushing ourselves to do the right act in stopping worrying and start thinking about solving the problems in whatever means we own. Life is like an adventure, every day we have new task to do but what we should bear in mind is that life is beautiful regardless of all negativity existed in the world as well as the people there, because we are the only responsible for our own life. We can live the life we want just by switching our thinking to positive one, maybe some of you may say that I have complicated problems and I couldn’t be alright, what I shall tell you is that thinking about solutions rather than be stressed is the key for having wonderful life.

mercredi 15 juillet 2020

Take Control of Your Life

We are the boss of our life so that we have to control it by any means we own. The crucial part that plays an important role in controlling our life is our morning, if we succeed in controlling the first hours of our day means that the life we want is coming toward us. Mel Robinson says in her book the 5 seconds rule that hit the snooze button of the alarm is a destructive act that stops us from controlling our day as well as our life because our brain at the moment of the alarm’s ringing is preparing for wake uo but when hiting the snooze button we broke this preparation and give our brain another moments of sleep in which it lasts from 70 to 110 minutes as researchers says , and this is a cruel act so that the solution is easy just wake up 30 minutes earlier before your waking up routine than plan your day , by writing all your goals and get the life you always dreamed of.

jeudi 9 juillet 2020

Free Yourself

Human being on his nature needs moments of loneliness in order to organize his thoughts, so that freeing one’s self is something crucial all what you need is meditation. Just staying peacefully with yourself stop thinking, feel your inner world and meditate on every movement you are doing, in this way you can get rid of all thoughts running around your mind and make it feel comfortable while its moment of pause. Try to do this on every time you feel anxious or stress. Never punish yourself because it is precious you need to take care of it as long as you are alive, is the only thing that belongs to you to your soul, you are responsible. Be brave and take this responsibility strongly and do everything yourself needs to in order to strengthen it by whatever you have on hands.

lundi 6 juillet 2020

We are not our brain

We all agree that brain is the human being's miracle, it is such a magical thing placed into our head. it is the engine of our physical body as well as our soul, everything happens inside our brain. The events around us are the results of our thoughts in which they are created in the brain. No one can deny its importance however we need to understand something that we are not our brain I will explain you more what I mean by, I think two days ago I have read a book about self-development called the power of now actually it was proposed by a friend of mine. I started reading than something caught my eye, which is the expression “we are not our brain” where the author means that our being is definitely separated from the brain, thoughts, feelings and so on ... sometimes thoughts control us unconsciously then we think that we are the responsible for those thoughts, consequently our self is based on them. But the truth is totally different. when thoughts came to our brain we could stop them and be the watcher so that we enter to the ultimate situation of being we without our brain! we can just watch those thoughts then stop them or maybe we even laugh when watching them if they were stupide. So this is the real situation of awareness you watch your uncontrollable thoughts and control them with your own ability. Meditation, is based on this concept; stopping your thinking and stay peacefully with our being and relaxing. we all need this in order to control our self, our being, and our thoughts, therefore be the watcher and meditate. And you will feel the real you without your BRAIN !

samedi 4 juillet 2020

Keep Going

Improve yourself means doing things that keep you always powerful and strong , you can improve yourself by feeding your mind every single day , even if you learn just one small thing a day, it doesn’t matter what is important is commitiment you commit to learn every day untill your last day. By reading, writing, watching videos ,exercising and eating healthy food.every body has different goal so that you have to follow your goals and let your dreams become true.all this is to become the person you want to be in order to achieve , create and build the life you always dream of . nothing is impossible just keep on , even if you face failurs during your path ,keep going because failures create succes . humain beign learns from his mistakes to avoid them in the futur so never say that you can’t, try to change your thoughts because the events around us are just the results of our thinking , be positive and certainly you will get the life you want.KEEP GOING